пара новых гиртредов с флеймса (пара в смысле авторы разные):
Вариант №1Башка\aITEM 1875060386 1736289128:Channeled Hood of Ethereal Energy\/a - Xebnok the Wretched (Tomb of the Mad Crusader), Tyrannus the Dark (Ykesha's Inner Stronghold)
\aITEM 1386293886 53803786:Hood of Dark Dealings\/a - Master P`Tasa (Shard of Hate)
\aITEM 1554179696 -705737515:Cap of Nexus Disruption\/a - Silverwing (Veeshan's Peak)
\aITEM 1702698910 64836528:Zynos' Helm of Voidcalling\/a - Executor Zynos (Anchor of Bazzul)
\aITEM -139974257 598741193:Hood of the Shade\/a - Shade of Miragul (Miragul's Phylactery: Scion of Ice)
\aITEM 551815934 -1700281172:Elucidated Manaweave Hood\/a - T2 Shard Armor
Плечиги\aITEM 858983809 645082712:Channeled Sleeves of Ethereal Energy\/a - Mynzaak (Palace of the Ancient One), Zarrakon (Zarrakon's Abyssal Chamber)
\aITEM -127048600 -542830367:Cowl of Nexus Disruption\/a - Hoshkar (Veeshan's Peak)
\aITEM -2075245733 1176570892:Mantle of the Void-Caller\/a - Tythus Tinzok (Palace of the Ancient One)
\aITEM -719495310 558642512:Elucidated Manaweave Mantle\/a - T2 Shard Armor
Халаты домашние\aITEM 1311278388 1184237822:Channeled Robe of Ethereal Energy\/a - Ykesha?
\aITEM 958572696 -964881966:Robe of Dark Power\/a - Hoshkar (Veeshan's Peak)
\aITEM -13558581 1342507013:Arcane Robe of Hatred\/a - Kpul D`Vngur (Shard of Hate)
\aITEM 1687672842 1486648307:Ancient Robe of the Disciple\/a - Avatars, Evil
\aITEM 1804891598 1755237285:Threaded Void Robe of Distraction\/a - Pentaclypse/Ultaclypse (Palace of the Ancient One)
\aITEM 1412808674 1541166074:Robe of the Masters\/a - The Master (Miragul's Phylactery: The Crucible)
\aITEM 764980083 732352653:Robe of the Undying\/a - Valdoartus Varsoon (Palace of Ferzhul)
\aITEM -530622962 -2144996587:Shiny Metallic Robe\/a - Heritage Quest, Trail to the Past
Наручники\aITEM -1940871704 -1260101864:Channeled Cuffs of Ethereal Energy\/a - Senior Loyalist Tilas (Tomb of the Mad Crusader), Xythus Davian & Xythus Aransta (Palace of the Ancient One)
\aITEM -446254142 2145266445:Lava Channeling Sleeves\/a - Hoshkar (Veeshan's Peak)
\aITEM 1129405889 -588595794:Necrotic Wrist Wrappings\/a - Wilhelm Horrorbile (Befallen: Necrotic Asylum)
\aITEM 1031182218 -482752290:Woven Silk Underlay\/a - Quest Item (Fens of Nathsar)
Варежки\aITEM 1849804427 -1865814082:Channeled Gloves of Ethereal Energy\/a - Switchmaster Zaxlyz (Palace of the Ancient One), Strange Stalker(Ykesha's Inner Stronghold)
\aITEM 32751349 1276582329:Gloves of Nexus Disruption\/a - Nexona (Veeshan's Peak)
\aITEM 1345851207 2000036053:Gloves of Sagacity\/a - Trash Drop (Freethinker Hideout)
\aITEM 305661366 -429297772:Elucidated Manaweave Gloves\/a - T2 Shard Armor
\aITEM 596815519 787724500:Gloves of Rotting Flesh\/a - The Bonegrinder (Befallen: Cavern of the Afflicted)
\aITEM 1873125882 -1115076499:Flayed Magmadin Tongue Gloves\/a - Magmadin (Najena's Hollow Tower)
Трико\aITEM -587436943 -733814341:Channeled Legs of Ethereal Energy\/a - Gynok Moltor (Tomb of the Mad Crusader)
\aITEM 773408106 -1868538150:Pantaloons of Nexus Disruption\/a - Phara Dar (Veeshan's Peak)
\aITEM -1453163064 -2049753870:[Pantaloons of Deadly Prowess]\/a - Gynok Moltor (Tomb of the Mad Crusader)
\aITEM -1526407731 1121270420:Voidman Pants of the Palace\/a - Trash Drop (Palce of the Ancient One)
\aITEM 874556187 -1119269349:Green Skin Leggings\/a - Trash Drop (Ykesha's Inner Stronghold)
\aITEM -564052531 -2006298978:Elucidated Manaweave Pantaloons\/a - T2 Shard Armor
Валенки\aITEM 811878644 -1938616972:Channeled Slippers of Ethereal Energy\/a - Thet-em-aua (Tomb of the Mad Crusader), Kultak the Cruel(Ykesha's Inner STronghold)
\aITEM 51080634 -407371585:Slippers of Nexus Disruption\/a - Druushk (Veeshan's Peak)
\aITEM -1552099879 -181913408:Queensilk Slippers\/a - Tairiza the Widow Mistress (The Tomb of Thuuga)
\aITEM 1689465898 -88363437:Vine-wrapped Boots\/a - Recipe (Emerald Halls)
\aITEM 165414038 -62469655:Boots of Consequences\/a - Zraxth (The Ruins of Guk: Ykesha's Outer Stronghold)
Вариант №2Чайникhttp://www.lootdb.com/eq2/item/1386293886\aITEM 1386293886 53803786:Hood of Dark Dealings\/a - Shard of Hate Master P'Tasa
http://www.lootdb.com/eq2/item/1875060386\aITEM 1875060386 1736289128:Channeled Hood of Ethereal Energy\/a
http://www.lootdb.com/eq2/item/1554179696\aITEM 1554179696 -705737515:Cap of Nexus Disruption\/a - Veeshan's Peak
Плащ-палаткаhttp://www.lootdb.com/eq2/item/99704869\aITEM 99704869 100485346:Drape of the Void-Touched\/a - Palace of Ferzhul (Maldormous Exeter)
http://www.lootdb.com/eq2/item/-2022007047\aITEM -2022007047 -1757769091:Malign Mantle\/a - Shard of Hate (Byzola)
Дубленкаhttp://www.lootdb.com/eq2/item/1311278388\aITEM 1311278388 1184237822:Channeled Robe of Ethereal Energy\/a - Ykesha?
http://www.lootdb.com/eq2/item/958572696\aITEM 958572696 -964881966:Robe of Dark Power\/a - Veeshan's Peak (Hoshkar)
http://www.lootdb.com/eq2/item/-13558581\aITEM -13558581 1342507013:Arcane Robe of Hatred\/a - Shard of Hate (Kpul D`Vngur)
http://www.lootdb.com/eq2/item/1804891598\aITEM 1804891598 1755237285:Threaded Void Robe of Distraction\/a - Palace of the Ancient One (Pentaclypse/Ultaclypse)
Плечо 1 штукаhttp://www.lootdb.com/eq2/item/858983809\aITEM 858983809 645082712:Channeled Sleeves of Ethereal Energy\/a
http://www.lootdb.com/eq2/item/-719495310\aITEM -719495310 558642512:Elucidated Manaweave Mantle\/a
Нарукавники (и фартук )http://www.lootdb.com/eq2/item/-446254142\aITEM -446254142 2145266445:Lava Channeling Sleeves\/a - Veeshan's Peak (Hoshkar)
http://www.lootdb.com/eq2/item/-1940871704\aITEM -1940871704 -1260101864:Channeled Cuffs of Ethereal Energy\/a
Перчатки боксерскиеDark Mail Gauntlets -
http://eq2.wikia.com/wiki/The_Means_to_an_End HQ: The Means to an End…
Брюки(неглаженные)http://www.lootdb.com/eq2/item/-587436943\aITEM -587436943 -733814341:Channeled Legs of Ethereal Energy\/a
http://www.lootdb.com/eq2/item/773408106\aITEM 773408106 -1868538150:Pantaloons of Nexus Disruption\/a - Veeshan's Peak
Тапочкиhttp://www.lootdb.com/eq2/item/811878644\aITEM 811878644 -1938616972:Channeled Slippers of Ethereal Energy\/a
http://www.lootdb.com/eq2/item/51080634\aITEM 51080634 -407371585:Slippers of Nexus Disruption\/a - Veeshan's Peak
Шеяhttp://www.lootdb.com/eq2/item/-1296654864\aITEM -1296654864 -198550402:Bloodthirsty Choker\/a - Shard of Fear (Terror
Поясочегhttp://www.lootdb.com/eq2/item/-287751671\aITEM -287751671 1889557559:Sash of the Volcanic Throne\/a - (Trak'anon)
http://www.lootdb.com/eq2/item/1544895902\aITEM 1544895902 1071313584:Aidyl's Scaled Sash of Dragon Songs\/a - Veksar: The Sunken Theater (Garudon)
Ухиhttp://www.lootdb.com/eq2/item/1708160282\aITEM 1708160282 -996361547:Earring of the Void Transfer\/a - Anchor of Bazzul (Magus Vein'ca)
http://www.lootdb.com/eq2/item/71102731\aITEM 71102731 -1529421120:Earring of Hollowed Darkness\/a - PoAO (Switchmaster)
http://www.lootdb.com/eq2/item/-1858013698\aITEM -1858013698 -1465189978:Ykeshan Hoop of the Pestilence\/a - Ykesha's Inner Stronghold (Kultak the Cruel)
Моя прелестьhttp://www.lootdb.com/eq2/item/1742204660\aITEM 1742204660 -2090443436:Najena's Ring of Readiness\/a - Najena's Hollow (The Reformed Magolemus)
http://www.lootdb.com/eq2/item/-373528028\aITEM -373528028 -489742003:Forgotten Ring of Souls\/a - Palace of Ferzhul (Ferzhul)
http://www.lootdb.com/eq2/item/1712335914\aITEM 1712335914 -1323664809:Blackened Band of Devastation\/a - Shard of Hate (Byzola)
http://www.lootdb.com/eq2/item/-54379439\aITEM -54379439 -923393270:Eye Mounted Ring\/a</a> - ToMC (Senior Loyalist Tilas)
Браслеткоhttp://www.lootdb.com/eq2/item/481230584\aITEM 481230584 -827271023:Bangle of Portals\/a - Palace of Ferzhul (Maldormous Exeter)
http://www.lootdb.com/eq2/item/196938529\aITEM 196938529 535272706:Indestructible Obliterator's Shackle\/a - Palace of Ferzhul (Ferzhul, Maldormous Exeter, Valdoartus Varsoon)
http://www.lootdb.com/eq2/item/-137096903\aITEM -137096903 1694766449:Gruuper's Bangle of Incineration\/a - The Ruins of Guk: Ykesha's Outer Stronghold (Gruuper Groo)
http://www.lootdb.com/eq2/item/271965728\aITEM 271965728 1071667370:Ghostly Bangle of the Loyalist\/a - ToMC Senior Loyalist (Tilas)
http://www.lootdb.com/eq2/item/1398291589\aITEM 1398291589 -800950344:Dark-Metal Ingot\/a - PoAO (Xythus Davian & Xythus Aransta)
http://www.lootdb.com/eq2/item/2011754003\aITEM 2011754003 -527159997:Reinforced Void Brute Shackle\/a - Palace of Ferzhul (Ferzhul, Maldormous Exeter, Valdoartus Varsoon)
Дохлая крыса (талик)http://www.lootdb.com/eq2/item/-1789520988\aITEM -1789520988 2021698216:Wicked Wand of Malice\/a - Shard of Hate (Ire)
http://www.lootdb.com/eq2/item/-1949254009\aITEM -1949254009 1414321847:Jewel Inlaid Fang\/a - Evernight Abbey (Lord Marcus Thex)
Основной палк для махалкMythical
Вторичный палкhttp://www.lootdb.com/eq2/item/-879661432\aITEM -879661432 -1038638506:Dark Orb of the Mind\/a</a> - Castle Mistmoore (Mayong Mistmoore)
http://www.lootdb.com/eq2/item/791715318\aITEM 791715318 -455793414:Dagger of the Ethernaut Magus\/a
http://eq2.wikia.com/wiki/The_Shadow_Odyssey%2C_Chapter_8:_Aloha%2C_Ethernauts SQ: Aloha, Ethernauts
http://www.lootdb.com/eq2/item/-1157721601\aITEM -1157721601 -1495941620:Wand of Elemental Knowledge\/a - Miragul's Phylactery: The Crucible (The Codexicon)